About Me

Hello and Welcome!
Thank you for taking time to visit RnRC!
The relational, purposeful, powerful nature of God actively moving in and through your life can only be realized through a living, ongoing, dedicated relationship with the Word of God
(Jesus Christ) and the Spirit of God (Holy Spirit.) The discovery of these two realities change
- My Story -
Years ago, I was taking a load of trash to a dump site in New Hampshire. I was in an internship to learn how to hear Gods voice in my daily life and low and behold, out of the blue; God arrested me with a word that has guided and provoked me ever since.
Let me explain: My "Dump Run Download" came when God said to me that His names and His word had a great deal to say about His heart and nature and that I needed a much greater upgrade in understanding the goodness of His heart and His ways based on these. Indeed! I did not have a great view of God or much understanding of His ways. I did have tons of distrust and false responsibility issues, to name a few. None-the-less, it was an important marker in my life and a powerful gracious invitation from the Lord that still continues.
What about you? I bet you have some major "markers" that God wants to take you much deeper into?
Maybe those markers are hidden or you don't feel you can hear God for yourself? That's where I come in. I love helping clients see what God has been saying all along that they weren't aware of. I help clients go on the journey to discover, retool & refuel in order to recognize how to partner with God in their current season and beyond. These tools and revelational truths will serve you forever! So, whatever your current goals, challenges, and transitions....you name it; God is with you and wants a rich walk with you in it.
Interested? Let's have a nonsalsey chat to see if coaching/mentorship is a good fit for you.
I look forward to hearing from you! Richest blessings on your journey!
​-Sharon Rose
More About Rivers and Roads
My coaching/mentorship style is based on years of Biblical study; three years of interning
and staff service with Streams Ministries; a broad range of classes addressing topics such as spiritual/ emotional health; hearing God's voice; my own inner healing process and prophetic ministry training.
I have a personal passion for creativity, childlike simplicity, wisdom, strategy and helping others find their unique design and expression while helping them get past their own defenses. (We all have them.)
I guide clients into hearing God's voice and help them understand spiritual realities that come from Gods promises, character, plan and presence. Clients gain innovative tools and insights
in order to recognize "reward" and opportunity in any situation.
Are you a counselor?
No, I am not a trained counselor. I am able to provide support, insight, creative tools and insightful prayer that is rooted in Biblical Truth.
Coaching/Mentorship sessions vary greatly in approach and style because sessions are
Holy Spirit led and catered to clients' objectives; level of maturity and personality.
Is Rivers and Roads an inner healing, deliverance ministry?
No, Rivers and Roads is designed to be a personalized, strategic, come-along-side support for
enhancing, deepening and enriching your connection with God. Inner healing and deliverance can be a bi-product of these sessions; but these are not the main focus.
I'm not a Christian but I'm curious. Is this for me?
Quite possibly- I'd love to hear from you! Reach out and send me a message!
More questions? I would love to hear from you!